Getting me to bed was a long routine for my mother. She'd have me all tucked in and start to leave my room and then I'd say, "Mommy, I want some water". Off she'd go for water, and once I'd had that, she'd be on her way again. My next ploy for keeping her near was -- "leave a crack in the door". She'd leave the door a little open and I'd say "bigger", and she'd open it a bit further and start to step away. "It's too big, make it smaller", I'd say. You can see where this is going! I'm not sure how she would finally make an exit, but I do remember what was going on inside me. I was anxious!
I haven't thought about this for years, not until I started recording this new podcast (Sleep Meditation for Children). I wanted to go back and remember and get into my child world. What would have helped me if I could have had a guided meditation back then? I tried to speak to the child that I was, and this new podcast offering is what resulted. It is designed to help a child settle into bed and relax into sleep. For children who are fearful at bedtime, there is an added element of a "make believe friend" to help them feel reassured.
Please listen to the meditation first and see if you feel it will be suitable for your child. It's for fairly young children. I'm sure you'll check to see if your child liked it after the first time they hear it, and see if he or she has a question about what something means. Like all guided meditations, this will work for some and not others. I do hope, though, that it will send lots of children off to sleepyland feeling relaxed, safe and loved.
I'd love to hear about your experiences with it here. And it's fine if you use it as an adult. We've all still got the child we were within us!